The Prophecy of the 8th Fire (2010)
Acrylic on canvas.
The Prophecy of the 8th Fire is a native legend about the cycles of human history. Each fire represents an era, the 4th being the one where the white man arrived to Turtle island (America) and killed most of them, thus the native skull. As we follow the sage smoke and fires up there are 3 symbols to the right, each crosses symbolizing natives in South America (Inca cross), Central America (Mayan cross) and North America.
As we get to the 7th Fire, which is supposed to be our present time, we can see the eagle and the condor meeting up, which is part of a prophecy with says that the natives from the south and the north of our continent will unite (something that has been happening in the last few years). We are about to enter the time of the 8th Fire, which can go in either of 2 direction: to the left we have the negative outcome or karma of our human nature in a self-destructive apocalypse to our current human cycle. And to the right we have the future where the White buffalo (white people) will help the natives and eventually the world will wake up, unite and live in peace. I work hard every day to bring forth this parallel reality and this painting is my service to all natives and the ancient wisdom they have for us at this crucial time.